The Dave J Crawford YouTube channel is a fast growing channel for Online Businesses diving into topics such as Marketing, Technology, AI and Software.

Dedicated to providing the highest level of content I have over 136 videos, and are growing at a rate of about 150 subscribers each month.

I have no intention of slowing down producing long form content every week.

Below you will find information on our audience, demographics, and other important marketing details to help you make the best sponsorship decision for your business.

Sponsorship Examples

Audience Details

Audience Demographics

The majority of our viewers fall into the 18-44 year range (with a heavier concentration between 25-34).

The gender mix reveals that the content of our channel appeals more to the male audience.

Though we are starting to see an increase in new female subscribers every month.

Audience Geographics

All of the content I create is aimed at an English speaking demographic.

The United States is where most of my views come from, followed by the UK, Australia and Canada.

Most of my channels previous sponsors targeted mainly US customers, with some also offering products or services in Europe.

Audience Psychographics

My audience is primarily interested in growing an Online Business.

It is targeted at Coaches, Consultants, Course Creators that want to build and grow an online business with marketing, software and technology.

I cover topics such as business advice, marketing, technology, AI and software.

Results & ROI

Let's talk results. After all, marketing should deliver a result and ideally a measurable (and significant) return on your investment.

So what can you expect? Truthfully, this is a hard question to answer.

Because while I pride ourselves on delivering the highest-quality video possible, it's impossible to predict with any level of certainty how the video will perform or what the algorithm will do.

Some videos get hundreds of views. Others get thousands. And some go on to get tens of thousands.

The key thing to note is that views don't stop a week after posting your video. I have designed the channel (also partly due to the search heavy nature of our audience) to create more "Evergreen" videos that continue to rank and get views for months and even years to come.

So what's the investment? We'll get to that in just a second. But first... some other important stuff.

Highest Converting Video Sponsorship Placement

One of the most important factors is where to put your sponsorship call out in the video. While most prefer the beginning to ensure the maximum number of people see it - this is actually the least effective position of all.

A study performed by video marketing company Wistia found that the best place for a mention was anywhere in the middle which is why we aim to mention your business around the mid point of the video. 

"Mid-rolls had an average conversion rate of 16.95%, compared with a post-roll conversion rate of 10.98%. The pre-roll Calls to Action at the start fared more poorly, with an average conversion rate of just 3.15%." - Wistia

Other Important Stuff...

The single most important factor for us in taking on a sponsor is ensuring this is a good market fit. Meaning, your business aligns with my values of strategic marketing, integrity, and aiming to be the best.

This helps create videos I feel confident about and ensures you reach the right people in order to make the most from your marketing investment and sponsorship in our channel.

The Million Dollar Question

(What's The Investment?)



60 Second Mention

  • 60 Second scripted shout-out (Please provide a 100-150 word script that you would like to be read).

  • Brand mention early in video with full shoutout later. 

  • Show logo and read provided script or bullet points.

  • Guide viewers to a link in the description box and mention it during shout-out.

Dedicated Video


Full Dedicated Video

  • Complete dedicated video

  • 7-15 minutes in length

  • Show logo, highlight product/service/business throughout the video

  • Guide viewers to a link in the description box and mention it in the video

  • Provide other relevant marketing and business advice and tips

  • Customized and unique to your business

  • Fully edited video complete with graphics, b-roll, and music

** The content is created and owned by Dave J Crawford for the Dave J Crawford YouTube channel. The Dave J Crawford YouTube channel grants brand 3-months usage rights on social media (i.e. organic reposting on brand social channels) as long as the content is repurposed organically through owned social channels and NOT paid media. These usage rights are non-transferrable. 

Next Steps

Please send an email to [email protected] indicating which sponsorship package you would like to apply for. Thanks and talk soon!

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